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Bamboo Farming (Green Gold) : The Future of Bamboo Cultivation in India

All around the world, there are uncountable species but there is one plant that stands above the rest in terms of usefulness and speed of growth that plant is Bamboo. Bamboo Crop "Baas" is eminently known as Green Gold and Energy Plantation. It is one the most fascinating and useful plants in the world although it may look like a tree it's actually considered to be grass. Bamboo forests are widely popular in China, Vietnam, the Netherlands, Hawaii, and many parts of South America. For centuries bamboo has been a miracle plant used by many as a sturdy building material and a viable source of food. Nevertheless, a few years back bamboo farming was not as popular in India. Limited farmers were inclined towards bamboo cultivation. There were numerous myths regarding bamboo farming among Indian farmers. However, as time passed the situation changed and various farmers shifted towards bamboo cultivation. Nowadays, bamboo farming is trending and a value-for-money choice amongst

Why Biogas or gobar gas failed in India?


BIOGAS: Biogas is the mixture of various gases which are produced after the breakdown of carbon-containing organic matter in the absence of oxygen primarily consisting of methane (CH4) and carbon dioxide (CO2). Methane is a combustible gas as it can be used as fuel for cooking and other activities.

BIOGAS PLANT: Biogas plant is the structure in which the fermentation process of carbonic matter takes place to produce or manufacture the gas. The plant has 5 basic parts:

1. INLET: It is part of the biogas plant from where the byproducts and wastes of animals and humans and other carbonic material are deposited inside the plant for the fermentation process. 

2. FERMENTATION CHAMBER: All the carbonic matter deposited in the plant follows the whole fermentation process in this chamber to produce the final gas.

3. GAS: Mixture of gases produced after fermentation primarily consisting of methane (CH4) and carbon dioxide (CO2). 

4. STORAGE TANK: The produced biogas is stored in tanks as all quantities of produced gas wouldn't be used simultaneously. The stored biogas can be used according to the requirement later on. 

5. OUTLET PIPE:  The manufactured gas is supplied to the gas stoves from the storage tanks through this outlet pipe.

The whole process of biogas formation is totally eco-friendly and the byproducts from biogas plants are rich in nutrients that can be used as fish feed and farm manure. Biogas is also one of the great examples of an effective waste management process that converts waste materials into useful biogas without causing any type of pollution and also helps to make our environment or ecosystem clean and healthy. It is also being noticed that the smoke from cooking food with biogas is much less competitively using wood as a burning fuel that reduces eye and lung problems.

Biogas and Gobar gas are considered to be the same, the only difference between them is that in biogas any carbonic product can be used to produce the gas whereas in gobar gas-only cow dung is used to manufacture the gas.

India's biogas program is considered to be one of the oldest biogas programs in the world. The government also has full enlightenment and support through various subsidy and loan-providing programs but the fact is that only 2% of the rural population of India uses or follows the Biogas. That's why we cannot say the biogas and the biogas program are not considered to be successful in India.

Some reasons that are responsible for making biogas a flop program in India:

  • Biogas or gobar gas produced from cow dung is slightly more expensive competitively if produced by cow dung cakes with wood. As 1kg dung cakes can produce about 4000 kg cal of energy but if we generate biogas we only get 200 kg cal of energy which means only 20% of energy.
  • Dung cakes can be sold to others but biogas cannot. Generally, household biogas generation of about 20 kg of cow dung is required on a daily basis. If that dung is used to prepare dung cakes it could be sold to others for a good price of 50-70 Rs. So, with the availability of other cheap sources to prepare food people used to sell cow dung as dung cakes.
  • For every household biogas plant, at least 5-6 cattle were necessary to provide a sufficient amount of dung for processing, but this number for many farmer families in India became rarer when machinery was started to be used for farm work.
  • At least 40 liters of water is a must for the production of biogas on a daily basis. That was a tough task for the rural people as shortage of water. 
  • After that, as time passed the availability of LPG cylinders became easier and cheaper so people started to give preference to LPG gas. As every family generally requires 500g of LPG per day which is much cheaper to buy rather than generating energy from the biogas plant.

India was the leading country in the biogas programs for decades but China has beaten the India in past few years. After all, India had more than 30 years of experience in the development and use of biogas digester plants had a suitable environment, and had the world's highest cattle population Still India constructed only 70,000 digester plants as an initiative program from the 20% are not in the working stage now. India's biogas program was elite according to both its initiative and composition whereas China's biogas program is more favorable towards the villages. 

when India was engaged in making biogas plants technically better, China was trying to make more and more biogas plants with their available knowledge, resources, and experience. As a result, India had 32.3 lakh biogas in 1990 and the number rose to 45.4 lakhs by 2015 but till that time China had installed 2.6 crores of biogas plants.



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