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Bamboo Farming (Green Gold) : The Future of Bamboo Cultivation in India

All around the world, there are uncountable species but there is one plant that stands above the rest in terms of usefulness and speed of growth that plant is Bamboo. Bamboo Crop "Baas" is eminently known as Green Gold and Energy Plantation. It is one the most fascinating and useful plants in the world although it may look like a tree it's actually considered to be grass. Bamboo forests are widely popular in China, Vietnam, the Netherlands, Hawaii, and many parts of South America. For centuries bamboo has been a miracle plant used by many as a sturdy building material and a viable source of food. Nevertheless, a few years back bamboo farming was not as popular in India. Limited farmers were inclined towards bamboo cultivation. There were numerous myths regarding bamboo farming among Indian farmers. However, as time passed the situation changed and various farmers shifted towards bamboo cultivation. Nowadays, bamboo farming is trending and a value-for-money choice amongst

Arka Rakshak ; Indian triple resistant tomato variety, # New varieties


The Indian Institute of Horticulture Research is a premier and leading institute in this country located in Hessaraghatta, Bengaluru. It has been conducting research on several vegetables and fruit crops for 5 decades.

Tomato is the second most important vegetable crop only after potato in India. Among many tomato varieties, Arka Rakshak is the F1 hybrid having many special features. Dr. A.T. Sadashiva was the breeder of that variety.


  • It is the first tomato hybrid that is resistant to three diseases 

                    1) Tomato leaf curl virus

                    2) Bacterial wilt  

                    3) Early blight

          All these diseases cause yield losses of up to 70 to 90% in major tomato-growing areas.

  • The fruits are very firm, the average fruit weight is about 80-90g and Arka Rakshak fruits are been exported from Bengaluru to different states in the country and other places.
  • It also develops a very deep red color which is well-accepted in the market, it is also been formed to be suitable for processing.
  •                                Seed rate          -             25 -30 gms/ acre                                                                                                                 No. of plants     -             4000
  • Yield -  12-15kg/plant ( 40 - 48 tonnes/ ha)
  • Duration: 140-150 days 
  • The total cost of production is around 1.5 lakhs per acre on average a farmer will get 2-2.5 lakhs per acre of the net profit.
  • This hybrid is not only suitable for open cultivation but also suitable for polyhouse cultivation.
Nutrition requirement:

  • The tomato variety Arka Rakshak requires a minimum of 10 tonnes per acre of FYM( Farm Yard Manure).
  • Fertilizer recommendation: 

                                          N:P: K - 70:60:70  kg/acre
  • When farmers adopt Fertigation technique:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              N:P: K - 60:45:60  kg/acre
  • Vegetable special has to be sprayed at least 3 times in crop duration starting from 45-55 days after transplanting. The dosage recommendation is 5 grams/liter. 


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