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Bamboo Farming (Green Gold) : The Future of Bamboo Cultivation in India

All around the world, there are uncountable species but there is one plant that stands above the rest in terms of usefulness and speed of growth that plant is Bamboo. Bamboo Crop "Baas" is eminently known as Green Gold and Energy Plantation. It is one the most fascinating and useful plants in the world although it may look like a tree it's actually considered to be grass. Bamboo forests are widely popular in China, Vietnam, the Netherlands, Hawaii, and many parts of South America. For centuries bamboo has been a miracle plant used by many as a sturdy building material and a viable source of food. Nevertheless, a few years back bamboo farming was not as popular in India. Limited farmers were inclined towards bamboo cultivation. There were numerous myths regarding bamboo farming among Indian farmers. However, as time passed the situation changed and various farmers shifted towards bamboo cultivation. Nowadays, bamboo farming is trending and a value-for-money choice amongst

Is Only The Organic Farming is Reponsible for Economic Crisis in Sri Lanka ?

 After Sikkim, Lakshadweep is India's only such Union Territory that announced itself as fully organic. On the 2nd of October 2021 Shri Rajnath Singh , Union Defence minister declared the entire Union Territory of Lakshadweep as a 'Fully Organic Territory' . Along with that on the 29th of April 2021, a big agriculture policy shift happened in Sri Lanka. Gotabaya Rajapaksa the president of Sri Lanka announced that Sri Lanka will turn into the first organic-only economy in the world. With a stroke of a pen, the government wants to make the island nation of nearly a 22million people and 1.8 million farming families into a fully organic food-producing country. As such government of Shri Lanka banned chemical-based farming throughout the country. The import of chemical fertilizers, pesticides, and weedicides was also prohibited by the government. After a few months of this decision farming output has fallen without the use of fertilizers, food prices have shot through the roof,

Why Export of Wheat got Banned by the Indian Government?

Everyone is aware of the war between Ukraine and Russia. This war is the main subject of discussion for the people as it creates excellent trouble throughout the world. As a matter of fact, both Ukraine and Russia are the major wheat-exporting countries in the world. These countries contribute about 30% of total wheat exports in the world combinedly. As of now, China is the largest producer of wheat in the world and India is the second-largest wheat-producing country in the world.  Due to this war between Russia and Ukraine, the infrastructures of both countries are getting damaged. People of these countries are struggling and are in trouble with food and other aspects. Russia is dependent on the sea route and Ukraine is dependent on the rail route for its export activities, the black sea ( the main export sea route of Russia) has now become a battle sea during this war which is why the export of this country is almost zero for now.  Now, India is having a very good opportunity to expo

Role of Insect Trap Crops;Different methods of Trap Cropping; Limitations in trap Cropping

  A trap crop may be a crop that is grown as a target crop next to the main crop or a cash crop that is more appealing to certain pests. Trap cropping is a form of cultural control within IPM (Integrated Pest Management) and an essential step towards sustainable agriculture practices. When used correctly trap cropping can be a sustainable and beneficial form of pest control.  Sunflowers are attractive to stink bugs and other sucking pests with belong to Hemiptera species and reduce the noticeable damage to solanaceous crops. There are various types of trap cropping, that are specified by the type of plants, their time of planting, and the place of plants where they are grown within the field. Different methods of trap cropping:  1. Conventional Trap Cropping:                                 An established and effective plan is planting the sunflowers around or within the tomato crop(Cash Crop). Sunflowers are more attractive to target pests as either a food source or for reproduction.

Facts and Future of Seabuckthorn; Importance of Seabuckthorn in the Himalayan region

  In the high-altitude cold desert of Lahaul-Spiti, the chill in the air is slightly more than usual, which is an indication of winter. For 6 months every year, The Himalayan valley becomes virtually cut off from the rest of the globe. At 13000 feet above sea level in north-east Himachal Pradesh, the temperature can dip as low as -30 degrees Celsius in the winter months. It is one of the most difficult places in Asia to be a farmer. As the valley prepares for the harsh winter, the residents of the valley have additional tasks in the hands of Foraging Seabuckthorn.   Seabuckthorn has great importance in the Himalayan regions as it benefits the people and environment of the region. This plant is found in plenty across the Himalayas across Lahaul-Spiti, Kinnaur even in states like Uttarakhand, Sikkim, and Arunachal Pradesh. The environment there is very fragile and prone to soil erosion. Seabuckthorn helps in conserving the environment as it stops soil erosion and conserves wildlife. Seab

Commercial Seaweed farming in Tamil Nadu; Role of Seaweeds in future

  When you consider agriculture, you almost certainly envision a farm with rows of cereals and vegetables grown within the soil. But there's also a whole business comprised of underwater agriculture, and that's where the trendy food industry cultivates carrageenan, every natural extract from a selected species of red seaweed, Kappa carrageenan is sourced mainly from Kappaphycus alvarezii. This type of carrageenan(there are three main commercial classes) forms the foremost rigid strongest gels of the carrageenan family( especially within the presence of potassium) and is widely used for its gelling, thickening, and stabilizing properties. Since carrageenan can strongly bind to proteins, its main application within the food industry is in dairy and meat products. Kappa carrageenan may be used as a vegetarian and vegan alternative to gelatin in some applications. Seaweeds are fast-growing marine algae and have been harvested for centuries to produce food additives like carrageenan

FSSAI totally restricted the blending in Mustard oil; Effect on oil market and farmers of India, # News

  FSSAI (Food Safety and Standards Authority of India) has totally banned or restricted the blending or mixing of mustard oil from 8 June 2021. The government issued an order to this effect on Monday. Accordingly, permission or approval was given to the packers regarding the addition of mustard oil in the production of edible oil that cannot be mixed with edible oils from other sources. In simple words, the mustard oil should be 100% pure, and should not contain any other edible oil blended in it. The Directorate of  Marketing and Inspection which comes under the Department of Agriculture Cooperation and Farmer Welfare has issued an order in the name of mixed edible vegetable oil to the region office located in New Delhi. Market sources say that the government has done a great job by stopping the blending of mustard oil. This will increase the demand for pure mustard oil and increase oilseed production in the country. The health of the people will also be enhanced by consuming good qua

Why Biogas or gobar gas failed in India?

  BIOGAS: Biogas is the mixture of various gases which are produced after the breakdown of carbon-containing organic matter in the absence of oxygen primarily consisting of methane (CH4) and carbon dioxide (CO2). Methane is a combustible gas as it can be used as fuel for cooking and other activities. BIOGAS PLANT: Biogas plant is the structure in which the fermentation process of carbonic matter takes place to produce or manufacture the gas. The plant has 5 basic parts: 1. INLET: It is part of the biogas plant from where the byproducts and wastes of animals and humans and other carbonic material are deposited inside the plant for the fermentation process.  2. FERMENTATION CHAMBER: All the carbonic matter deposited in the plant follows the whole fermentation process in this chamber to produce the final gas. 3. GAS: Mixture of gases produced after fermentation primarily consisting of methane (CH4) and carbon dioxide (CO2).  4. STORAGE TANK: The produced biogas is stored in tanks as all

Arka Rakshak ; Indian triple resistant tomato variety, # New varieties

     ARKA RAKSHAK The Indian Institute of Horticulture Research  is a premier and leading institute in this country located in Hessaraghatta, Bengaluru. It has been conducting research on several vegetables and fruit crops for 5 decades. Tomato is the second most important vegetable crop only after potato in India. Among many tomato varieties,  Arka Rakshak is the F1 hybrid having many special features. Dr. A.T. Sadashiva was the breeder of that variety. ARKA RAKSHAK It is the first tomato hybrid that is resistant to three diseases                      1) Tomato leaf curl virus                     2) Bacterial wilt                       3) Early blight           All these diseases cause yield losses of up to 70 to 90% in major tomato-growing areas. The fruits are very firm, the average fruit weight is about 80-90g and Arka Rakshak fruits are been exported from Bengaluru to different states in the country and other places. It also develops a very deep red color which is well-accepted i

Steps taken by FAO on supporting Nomadic Herding and Pastoral Communities

  Across the globe, more than 200 million people depend on pastoralism to make a living. Pastoralists are found in three-quarters of the world's countries. Raising livestock where no crops can grow. They live and travel across unpredictable environments, including the hottest, coldest, and driest places on Earth. Always moving strategically to access sporadic resources, distant markets, or basic services. Pastoralists are guardians of the environment using indigenous livestock breeds that deposit organic manure and transport seeds over long distances. By sustainably managing grazing land, they play a role in sequestering carbon in soils and plants, protecting them. Water resources and ecosystem biodiversity and reducing shrub growth and forest fires. Pastoralists are very resilient in hostile environments, but they suffer from food insecurity. When their coping mechanism is disrupted by drought, animal disease, climate change, conflicts, and dwindling access to land and water resou

Role of Rainwater Harvesting In Upland Areas

  Rainfall distribution has been observed to be erratic and unpredictable. Although almost the same quantity of rain pours every year, the greater amount of rain pours in a shorter period of time with a long duration of dry spells. Weather patterns becoming ambiguous, have resulted in difficulty in the timing of agricultural activities, especially in uplands where farmers rely on rainwater for irrigation. In the upland area, farmers are very dependent on rainfall for water for their crops, and since they can grow crops seasonally that results in very minimal income from their farm, due to the limited water supply. So it is totally clear that water management and supply is a major problem for upland farmers. To solve this issue the best way is rainwater harvesting. Rainwater harvesting can be done by creating artificial lakes, creating wells, and ponds on leveled land. Eventually, it is done by using digging machines like backhoes bulldozers, and others but it is expensive on the part o